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How Much Does it Cost to Put James Hardie Siding on a House?



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  1. How Much Does it Cost to Put on James Hardie Siding?
  2. What Types of Siding Does James Hardie Offer?
  3. Is James Hardie Siding Expensive?
  4. Why Does James Hardie Siding Have a Higher Price Point?
  5. How Much Will James Hardie Siding Cost for Your House in Illinois?

If you’re thinking about re-siding your home in Illinois, you may have considered James Hardie siding. The company has a reputation for producing durable and aesthetically pleasing siding options that many property owners appreciate.

However, before deciding on the project, it’s natural to wonder: how much does it cost to put James Hardie siding on a house? The price for siding your home varies based on the type of siding you select and the square footage of your property.

Our Naperville siding installation team at Opal Enterprises can help you calculate the cost for your specific project. In addition, we provide estimates for siding installation services. You can learn more when you call or complete our online contact form.

How Much Does it Cost to Put on James Hardie Siding?

James Hardie siding installation varies in cost due to multiple factors. The price for your job may depend on the following:

The Size of Your Project

Generally, you’ll pay more for siding projects for larger properties. More square footage means you’ll require more raw materials to complete the job. Additionally, it will take longer for the installation company to finish the job, meaning you can expect higher labor costs.

The Complexity of Your Project

Your siding installation company may also factor in the nature of the job when quoting you an installation price. For example, more complex jobs take longer. We may also look at factors like the location of your property and accessibility to develop a total cost for the job.

The Kind of Siding You Select

James Hardie manufactures several kinds of siding, including panels and planks. Each type of siding has a different price. Therefore, the total cost of your job depends on your selection and whether you purchased the siding while it was on sale.

Our team at Opal Enterprises can provide you with a quote for your job, giving you specific information about the costs for installation.

The Trim You Decide on for the Project

Finally, most siding jobs require you to select the trim to complete the project. You may choose a PVC trim board or wooden options. Each option has a different cost, influencing how much it costs to put James Hardie siding on a house.

Only high-quality materials from trusted manufacturers when handling siding installation

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What Types of Siding Does James Hardie Offer?

James Hardie manufactures and sells several different lines of siding. Each line has unique costs, which can impact how much it costs to put James Hardie siding on a house. In addition, we can help you learn more about the Architectural Collection and ASPYRE® by James Hardie.

The company manufactures lap siding, shingle siding, vertical siding, soffit panels, trim boards, and backer boards. Depending on your chosen colors, prices can vary even in the same product line.

A siding installation company in Illinois can review your specific project, providing an accurate cost estimate.

Is James Hardie Siding Expensive?

How much does it cost to put James Hardie siding on a house, and does it cost more than other siding brands? While the costs for siding installation can vary greatly, James Hardie siding does tend to cost more than other manufacturers.

Therefore, you can expect James Hardie siding projects to run more expensive than jobs involving aluminum or vinyl siding.

Only high-quality materials from trusted manufacturers when handling siding installation

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Why Does James Hardie Siding Have a Higher Price Point?

Why does James Hardie charge a higher price for its siding options? The company’s siding stands apart from other manufacturers for several reasons, justifying the price for each piece they create.

When you select James Hardie siding, you get options that provide you with the following:


Many siding materials can sustain damage when exposed to water and the elements. James Hardie uses a specialized material for its siding. The material resists damage from moisture, allowing you to avoid cracking, swelling, and mold issues.

Additionally, James Hardie siding measures in at nearly five times as thick as traditional vinyl siding, providing more defense against rotting, warping, and other forms of damage.

The brand’s durability means the siding may last up to 50 years. The long-lasting nature of James Hardie siding can help you save money over time, as it requires less frequent replacement.

Resistance to Pests

Hardie Board siding is made of a mix of cellulose fibers, sand, and cement. The blend helps the siding resist infiltration from bugs and other pests. It also resists damage from woodpeckers and other animals attracted to traditional wood siding.

A Range of Styles and Color Options

James Hardie siding provides many style options, allowing you to choose a more traditional look for your home or go with something contemporary. The company also offers choices for baked-on color or pre-primed siding.

Baked-on color resists fading and offers you a 15-year warranty.

Increased Safety for Your Property

Traditional wood siding can put your family at risk during a fire. Fortunately, James Hardie manufactures fire-resistant siding, boosting your family’s safety in the event of a fire.

Minimal Maintenance Requirements

James Hardie siding requires minimal amounts of maintenance to stay in excellent condition. You can generally wash the siding twice yearly to remove dirt and keep it looking great. ]

How Much Will James Hardie Siding Cost for Your House in Illinois?

How much does it cost to put James Hardie siding on a house in Illinois? The price can vary based on the type of siding you select, the size of your home, and other factors. We provide an estimate for siding installation costs to help you assess your budget.

You can learn more about James Hardie siding with our team at Opal Enterprises. Call or fill out our online contact form to get started.